
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

Why Dalits feel left out from Modi's 'sabka saath'

Why Dalits feel left out from Modi's 'sabka saath'

Rediff.com12 Apr 2018

'The government says it will file a review petition against the Supreme Court, but there is no conviction here.' 'It is doing this purely because it is worried.' 'It comes from the same sentiment as asking BJP MPs to spend two nights in a Dalit village,' says Aakar Patel.

A hung Parliament in 2019 won't be a bad thing

A hung Parliament in 2019 won't be a bad thing

Rediff.com6 Apr 2018

'There appears to be no relation between a government with a majority and GDP growth as the stock market and its analysts seem to fear.'

Supreme Court verdict is a blow to Dalit, Adivasi rights

Supreme Court verdict is a blow to Dalit, Adivasi rights

Rediff.com27 Mar 2018

'To selectively look at the operation of certain laws -- in a manner that ignores the realities of caste and gender injustice in India -- and conclude that they are being particularly misused, is plain wrong,' says Aakar Patel.

Where does Creativity come from?

Where does Creativity come from?

Rediff.com24 Mar 2018

'Creativity and invention come from engaging with the physical world.' 'This is something that we in the upper classes of India do not do as much as the rest of the world,' says Aakar Patel.

What's next after 'Acche Din' in 2019?

What's next after 'Acche Din' in 2019?

Rediff.com20 Mar 2018

'It does not appear to me that the campaign of 2019 will be positive. By that I mean it is unlikely that there will be an 'achche din' style slogan either from the government or the opposition.'

What does the nation get out of the CBI?

What does the nation get out of the CBI?

Rediff.com12 Mar 2018

'What does the nation get out of the CBI's fabulous infrastructure? Very little that is useful.'

If Rahul wants Delhi, he has to first win in the states

If Rahul wants Delhi, he has to first win in the states

Rediff.com3 Mar 2018

Why are states important to win for national parties? What is the significance of local power? That was what we should have a look at because the Congress has been squeezed out of power in more states today than it has ever been in history.

What should one read?

What should one read?

Rediff.com2 Mar 2018

One way to begin would be to access the material of our own culture, meaning the literature of India, recommends Aakar Patel.

Was Nirav Modi tipped off?

Was Nirav Modi tipped off?

Rediff.com28 Feb 2018

'It can't be a coincidence that he and his family, uncles and all, vanished from India only days before the scam was discovered.'

Was Sachin a genius?

Was Sachin a genius?

Rediff.com24 Feb 2018

Was Tendulkar just a great player, asks Aakar Patel.

RSS could not have fought a war even 100 years ago

RSS could not have fought a war even 100 years ago

Rediff.com22 Feb 2018

'What does Bhagwat think his militia will do once it is at the border?' 'What does Bhagwat imagine his Sangh followers will do that will protect Mother India?' asks Aakar Patel.

Modi's health plan should be applauded

Modi's health plan should be applauded

Rediff.com7 Feb 2018

'Modi's health scheme has changed the national conversation. For that reason it must be supported.'

Our defence expenditure would be a scandal in another democracy

Our defence expenditure would be a scandal in another democracy

Rediff.com1 Feb 2018

'Where is the analysis that we need to spend at least Rs 4 trillion to keep India safe?'

Voices of dissent are only heard at lit fests these days

Voices of dissent are only heard at lit fests these days

Rediff.com31 Jan 2018

'Many of the biggest events at such lit fests have nothing to do with books or authors, but about current events and the changing nature of society,' points out Aakar Patel.

Modi has become a father figure

Modi has become a father figure

Rediff.com23 Jan 2018

Modi wants a 'change in the Indian citizen's character.' 'An internal transformation.' 'This is reformation of the sort that is usually done by spiritual and religious leaders.' 'It is not in the domain of popular politics,' points out Aakar Patel.

Why are Indians so nasty online?

Why are Indians so nasty online?

Rediff.com12 Jan 2018

'Arguments about politics and religion do not end in name calling and abuse when they happen face to face.' 'In person we are more balanced because we are aware we are being observed.'

10 books to look forward to in 2018

10 books to look forward to in 2018

Rediff.com11 Jan 2018

There are several books that Aakar Patel wishes were being written but aren't. Fortunately, there's plenty coming up this year that he's eagerly awaiting.

Had Modi been a CEO, he would be fired

Had Modi been a CEO, he would be fired

Rediff.com2 Jan 2018

'The world's economy is booming and growing at 3%. But even in this environment, India's growth has declined.' 'This is because of the deliberate slowing down induced by eccentric actions like demonetisation,' argues Aakar Patel.

BJP's nationalism is not for all Indians

BJP's nationalism is not for all Indians

Rediff.com28 Dec 2017

'It is only for a particular kind of Indian. The thing is: Even some of those types of Indians do not like it,' says Aakar Patel.

History will view Sonia Gandhi positively

History will view Sonia Gandhi positively

Rediff.com18 Dec 2017

'Sonia's term as Congress president -- which was 20 years -- was the longest in the party's history.' 'It will also go down as the period in which the Congress transformed in the way Indians viewed it,' says Aakar Patel.

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